September 2, 2011

How to Ruin a Perfectly Good Weekend

It's Labor Day weekend and it's time to pull out the paint brushes, the ugly project shirt (mine has Edward Cullen on it so that my neighbors know how freaky I really am), and the drop cloths.  I'd much rather be at a beach or holding court over a bunch of hamburgers on the grill, so please don't post comments about your fabulous plans or I might start crying into my paint. 

The project of the day is to faux paint my boring white aluminum garage door to make it look like wood.  No, I've never tried this before and yes, I know you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet.  Nevertheless, I've downloaded articles and watched you-tube tutorials so I feel prepared--which basically means that I'll feel energized until I reach the Lowe's checkout, and then the dread will start to creep in.  By the time I've got the garage door primed I'm going to wish I'd done a few more arm circles over the past few months because I won't be able to lift my hands over my head anymore.  That's about the time that I'll start making excuses and finding uber-important household chores that just can't wait another minute (I'm thinking cleaning bugs out of the light fixtures or sweeping under the stove door.)

Still, because I'm married to the McGyver of home improvement, I'll have no choice but to finish the darn thing.  If I don't then he won't give me the date night I've been begging for.  It's depressing how well he knows me.  He'll probably withhold the chocolate too.

Anyhoo, the work weekend has begun.  Jump over to my other blog, for the before and after pictures--I'll be the one laying in the grass in a pile of sweat.  Did I mention that temperatures are going to be in the 100's this weekend?  Rock on!


Mama Mayhem said...

Good luck my wonderful sister! I'm super jealous of your talent and love that you paint in an edward cullen shirt and not a jacob black shirt cua then I might have drive down there and kick your toosh! ;)

Linda said...

Boy, you are ambitious. I'm lucky to get one wall in my guest room painted and I had air conditioning on my side. You go girl. It will be worth the sweat!