June 20, 2011

Unbreakable? Of Course Not!

I feel like a magnet for disaster but that’s a little melodramatic—even for me. I’m more like a magnet for irritating little setbacks. This is a new development and I’m not very happy about it at all. I’ve been trying to figure out how to change my luck and I’m grasping at straws to say the least. I changed up my routine, just to see if that made a difference, I cleaned out my fridge, dusted off my gratitude journal, and surfed the Oprah website for tips to living my best life. It didn’t work. I’ve graduated to listening to my “The Secret” book on tape while making dinner, trying to visualize a meal that everyone in my family will eat without complaint. Apparently I’m not good at manifesting because more than half of the family refused to eat. At the rate I’m going, I may need to Google “The Psychic Network by Wednesday.”

It all began when we headed off to our first lake trip. I had spent two days packing, planning meals and preparing food. We arrived at the marina, excited to feel the wind in our hair for the first time since winter had passed. Unfortunately, we had boat engine trouble and spent exactly six hours on the lake, tied to the dock, while my husband peered at the engine and cursed under his breath and my children complained about our “lame” and “boring” our family vacations.

We returned home three days early so I took the kids to the mall to spend some hush money on them. On our way home, my car started to overheat, stalled and was towed to the repair shop where I got a truly breathtaking repair estimate. This was followed by a broken garage door. Then, when I was trying to roll down my window at Wendy’s to get my Frosty fix, the blasted thing dropped into the door, never to return. I had to drive home in 105 degree heat with the window down blowing like a hairdryer into my face.

And That’s not even the worst thing! Now my luck is rubbing off on people around me. My sister came to visit for a week with her kids and her two-year-old managed to find the only not-dried-out permanent marker in the entire house and scribbled all over my daughter’s bedroom. Surprisingly, this was the easiest and cheapest incident to clean up since my luck had turned but, and this is not a lie, I can never find a working marker when I need it so I can’t fathom how a two-year-old dug one up.

So, I fully anticipate that this blog post will get lost in cyberspace, or turn to jibberish the moment I post it because that’s just my luck. If you have any ideas on how I can change it, I’m all ears and the sooner the better. I have a wedding to attend at the end of the week and I don’t want to spill on the bride or accidentally bump the only vintage crystal vase on the gift table.

1 comment:

Crazy Momma said...

Well maybe since I've left you haven't had any disasters... You rubbed it off on me? That's what you need to do... find someone you think has is too easy or you plain just don't like and rub it off wish it right into that persons life LOL! That's my advice ;)