December 14, 2010

Great Gifts? Seriously?

I was sitting at my computer, staring at my homepage incredulously. The headline screamed “Amazing Gifts under $20,” and included a picture of a ducky floating in a coffee mug. I clicked on the link out of morbid curiosity and scrolled through the most ridiculous list of gift ideas I’ve ever witnessed. It started with the ducky tea-infuser and went downhill from there, all the while claiming that great gifts don’t have to cost a lot. And I can’t help wondering when we became so desperate to give gifts that we are actually willing to drop $20 on something that’s going to wind up in a junk drawer by Valentine’s Day. The internet isn’t the only place you can find ridiculous products for sale in the name of finding a gift for everyone. They’re everywhere!

I was in a discount store where a big display of plastic jars filled with pipe cleaners, pom-pom balls, glue sticks and tongue depressors, were being sold as a “Kids Deluxe Craft Kit.” I’m pretty sure I could clean out my junk drawer and put together a “Super Deluxe Craft Kit,” I just didn’t realize that was allowed. I’m also amazed at the dog and cat Santa costumes and jingle bowls. I think my cats cost too much just to keep them fed so I’m not adding clothing to my list of pet expenses.

But the worst have to be the men’s gift sets. Now I realize that men are tough to buy for. Their interests don’t line up with ours. They like fixing things and playing games with little white balls and they generally think a “good shirt” is one without any holes. But that doesn’t mean that they will want a flashlight radio or a portable golf ball washer. They also don’t need a spinning remote control caddy—the remote will still wind up stuck in the couch cushions anyway.

Stop the insanity! It may take a 12 step program to get it done, but I’m trying. Today my hub-man asked for a list of the things I want for Christmas and I calmly told him that wish lists are for children and that he has been married to me for twenty years and should be able to get me a gift without using a list. Which really means that I’m going to find scented lotion and a pair of fuzzy socks under the tree. I just hope he likes the combination massager gun-rack I picked up for him.


Anonymous said...

Love it! You and I know that the best gift is the time we spend with each other sharing our thoughts about anything and everything. I keep telling the family that what I really want for Christmas is peace on earth. That will never change. I came close one year when I got a T-shirt saying exactly that (All I want for Christmas is peace on earth).

Trisha LeBaron said...

All I want is cheesy Christmas pics of my family. The kids Santa picture is a must. Wait until you see the costumes I'm sending for the picture I want from you guys!