I readily admit that this is my favorite time of year, but I will add that I’m pretty sure that I’ll like this time of year even better when I’m not the only one with a checkbook. Currently it’s my job to buy all the presents for all the children in some way or other since, when the children want to buy their siblings presents, they ask for jobs so that they can earn money to buy the gifts—my money. I’m also generally in charge of mothers, mother-in-laws, neighbor gifts and the like. I’m hopeful that it will not always be this way, but my mom assures me that I’m completely deluded in that belief.
Still I like Christmas-time because I always enter it with the unrealistic belief that I will get to spend time with family and friends sipping hot chocolate and laughing like some jewelry store commercial. Generally it’s also snowing in my fantasy, even though it only snows here once every six years or so and even then it’s really just glorified slush. Reality usually sets in by the first of December when I can’t get any of my friends to commit to a date for a dinner party and I’m left with some work party where the conversation is forced and stilted and everyone comes up with an excuse to go home early.
But Thanksgiving is different. I always go into it without any expectations aside from a really bad belly ache and I’m always surprised to find myself actually spending time with my family, chatting and sipping hot chocolate. It’s like the perfect Christmas a month early—a reminder that we have so much to be thankful for. And I, for one, need to give a little more thanks and complain a lot less. So this year I’m going to look forward to next week rather than looking ahead to next month. I’m going to tell the people in my life how much I love them and appreciate all they do for me. But today I’m going to tell every one of you how much I appreciate your willingness to take a few minutes out of your day and read my drivel. It makes me feel like I’m never alone and it means more to me than you will ever know. Thank you. I am your biggest fan.
I like Thanksgiving, too. I like the fact that we can take time to think about how much we've been given. The blessings far outweigh any of the bad things that come to us as we live day to day. My family is most precious to me and talking to and spending time with them is my greatest joy. Thanks for reminding us. And I love reading your blog!
I'm so thankful for you. Not sure what I did to deserve being born into a great family--but I'm sure glad I was. Couldn't have asked for anything better. Happy Thanksgiving!
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