I’m itching for a project. I can always tell when it’s coming on because I begin to resemble a baby watching a ceiling fan—I can’t stop following the action that’s taking place all around me even if I am going around in circles. I notice every woman’s outfit wondering how I can tweak something in my own wardrobe so that we can be stylish twinners. I scour Craigslist for anything that needs paint and can be put into a house—even if it’s impractical and down right loony. I almost purchased a London style red telephone booth believing it would make a cool planter or time-out box for my kids. I actually contemplated what I could build with 80 square feet of faux brick. And I wondered if my friends would disown me if I purchased Russian nesting dolls for all of them and painted them bisque like I saw on HGTV.
The problem is that about halfway through a project I hit a snag or lose interest or find myself in way over my head. Any normal person would tuck the project away in some drawer and forget about it but I’m like a dog with a bone—I just have to gnaw my way through it. I’m like a drunk Tinkerbell armed with a bedazzler thinking that I can make this project fly. Of course, more often than not I crash and burn and wake up with a hangover from breathing paint fumes. Then, like some demented poltergeist, I’m haunted by it. I dream about ways I could have done it better or I pretend that I really wanted a gold-leafed Buddah statue slash clay-pot fountain as my dining table centerpiece—all the while counting the days until I can remove it citing my need to change the theme of the room.
You’d think I’d learn to just go buy retail. You’d think I would know that I am not Martha Stewart and even she has a production staff. But I can’t help myself. We all have a vice—mine just happens to be glitter. What’s yours?
My vice is being lazy. Years ago I had all kinds of craft supplies but now that I am realistic and know that I will probably never us them I am slowing clearing out the bags of popsicle sticks, wooden shapes, beads, birds etc. Although I still enjoy the Christmas ornaments we made years ago with birds, pinecones, berries and ribbons. They still adorn my tree every year and the memories of the fun we had making them together will come back every Christmas when I decorate my tree. I guess that's one of the reasons that crafting is so rewarding. It's the memories!
Crafting seems useless and yet we love it! There must be some mystical reason why we're drawn to creativity. But I've thrown away just as many sheets of plastic canvas as you have--it really runs in cycles.
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