Word has gotten out that I'm doing the Tracy Anderson Method right now and everyone is curious about the results and the type of workout she offers. I started Tracy at the beginning of the year. I work her method 3-4 days per week and then I do a P90X workout the other 2. Her workouts helped me stave off some boredom I was feeling after a year of only P90X. And I don't believe that any one workout is necessarily better than another. The trick is to find something you don't mind doing and to mix it up when you start getting too bored or when you hit a plateau.
Tracy Anderson has some lofty claims. She says that if you follow her method and eating plan that you will not get the best body you've ever had, but you'll get the best body you've never had. She claims that she has the secret to fixing your trouble spots once and for all, and requires that you order the DVD set that targets your problem area. I ordered hipcentric although I'm technically both hipcentric (meaning I have bigger hips) and abcentric (meaning I have a poochy tummy).
The exercise plan involves 30 minutes of muscle toning followed by 30 minutes of dancing everyday. She mixes up the muscle toning every 10 days but the dance routine stays the same. The muscle toning involves quick staccato movements that incorporate lots of muscle groups, especially as you reach levels 6-9. For example, she will combine a push up with a leg lift, or a balancing maneuver with abdominal crunches. The result is lots of sweat and quick toning--especially of the arms. The dance routine involves lots of jumping around. This is not something I can do with my bad knees, but instead of doing nothing I modified by purchasing a rebounder (mini-trampoline) and I do the workout on that. With good music, the workouts fly by.
The eating plan is incredibly strict with very small portions and tiny, but frequent meals. I have no doubt that the calorie restriction alone would result in weight loss. I opted not to follow her diet but instead focused on vegetarian meals three times a day. Other bloggers who have followed the diet report big weight loss. I have experienced a steady weight loss of about 1/2 pound per week. The big news is that the workout shrinks you. I've noticed that my arms and thighs are much smaller. I also think that my habit of drinking lots of water during the day has helped cinch everything in. I'm still the same body type I was before, but I'm still happy with the results.
Tracy Anderson is really just another example of a good workout that can net you results if you do it consistently. It fits the requirements already discussed; it's an hour long, it makes you sweat and it combines cardio with weight training.
Let me know if you have any specific questions about the workout or diet plan.
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