It's been difficult coming up with a topic today. Probably because I've been drowning in a sea of to-do lists and I can't get my footing. My desk looks like a paper recycling plant run amok and my brain is short circuiting. Today I was actually surprised when my workout ended because I couldn't remember starting it. I was going through the motions on auto-pilot. A stack of cookies mysteriously disappeared off the kitchen counter and I'm pretty sure I was the culpret. Last night I realized at 9:30 that I never actually fed anyone dinner. I was making the kids tuna sandwiches at 10:00.
Some days it's just difficult to focus on your goals. Some days you have to celebrate the meare fact that you made it to the end of the day relatively unscathed. Some days you have to forgive yourself for a "Cheez-it" weakness. Tomorrow I'm going to do better--and that's all anyone can ask.
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