May 30, 2012

Apparently It Pays off to Set a Goal

It looks like setting a goal pays off.  My great family and friends have been showering me with well wishes on my new "major lifestyle change" (as one friend put it.)  My birthday netted Vegan cookbooks, snacks, a sprouter and a magazine subscription to keep me on track.  No one has better friends than I do--except probably you.

Which brings me to the important stuff.  Set the goal and tell everyone you know about it.  You will get truckloads of encouragement from the people around you.  We always assume that if we tell someone that we plan to exercise everyday for a year, or finish the book we've been writing since High School, or become a vegan that we'll be dubbed the "crazy poached spinach lady," and laughed out of town.  But it's not true.  I promise it's not.  Your real friends want you to succeed and you'll be pleasantly surprised at how many real friends you have once you open your mouth and share your dreams.  Just do it.

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